Sunday, January 06, 2008

Words can Matter

How many Americans listen to the pundits tell us what happened in the Iowa caucuses and base our interpretation entirely on these pronouncements and prognostications?  If we listened to Bobo Broder we would all sit around in a circle holding hands.  Sheesh.

To listen to these media talking heads (apologies to the great band),  Hillary Clinton should shout "defeated" right now after Iowa and the New Hampshire debates.  Seems a wee bit premature to me.  Just a smidgen, really.

Thinking about the interpreters and their interpretations does raise the question of what is said, by whom, and what it means? For example, does anyone see themselves as "working-class?"  Or how about "average American?"  Yeah, right.  And this is why I've said that I think Edwards is on many of the right issues but that he's going about it all wrong.

Edwards who is going to need to do well in New Hampshire in a couple of days -- although for my two cents, he did alright in Iowa and did quite well in the ABC New Hampshire debate -- will be more successful, I think.

Imagine if Edwards could meld his spot on economic analysis with the hope-filled aspirational terms we see from the Obama campaign rather than discussing a staid economy is bad and it hurts.  We must get past the Faux newsies arguments about the GOP lies about wealth and privilege in America.

No, of course, I would never suggesting that there's anything more to the world than political perception... Wha?  Me.  Naw.

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