Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Classy with three Ks

If you are already beyond the pale, what happens when you exceed even your non-standards?

Do you like become a Blackhole? A Blackasshole?

Whatever that place is where beyond pale bends upon itself, Michael Savage has reached that point:

You’re not supposed to talk badly about the dead. I generally wouldn’t do it. But in the case of Tom Lantos, I’ll make an exception. I think he was one of the most — he was a scoundrel. And I’ll tell you why I detested Tom Lantos. The man survived the Holocaust of World War II and used it as a weapon the rest of his life.

Yeah, Lantos had it easy compared to Michael ("I've lost 5 sponsors") Savage. You gotta EARN it -- like Michael Weiner -- because nobody ever suffered like that guy.

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