Friday, February 01, 2008

That THAT, Fez Boy!

Okay, Attaturk, so The Ugliest Building in Des Moines is The Ugliest Building in Des Moines.

Get a load of the AT&T "Long Lines" Building on Church Street at Thomas down near what the media morons dubbed "Ground Zero." People always said this thing could withstand a nuclear attack. Great. It'll be here to scare the cockroaches and Dick Cheney after the rest of us are vaporized.
I don't know who built the EDS building, but at one time, AT&T had some dough with which to hire a couple of decent architects. Years later, and long after their glory days, they hired Philip Johnson to design another building that a lot of people think fairly ugly, too, but I don't think its ugliness rises to the level of the "Long Lines" building.
Another view of this monstrosity here.

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