Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why the Grammy's Sucked

Alright, now that we have moved past the self congratulatory orgy known as the Grammys we can reflect on this amazing night of music and performance!  Ha, I'm just kidding.  Let us count all of the ways that the show sucked, shall we?

1. This is the biggest night for the music industry, get the sound mixed correctly!!!  This was a problem for many of the artists who performed.  It was especially a problem for the non-rapers such as the Foo Fighters, Brad Paisley, among others.  You represent the music industry, learn to balance the overall sound, microphones, and more... there were songs where the bass line was non-existent.  Was anyone else bothered by the bad sound mix?

2. Commercials should not actually cut into the show.  This interrupts the flow of the show overall.  Speaking of bad commercial breaks, that was a bit weird of a Sgt. Pepper's tribute.  Yet we had tons of Alicia Keys... whose the bigger influence on music?  -- Beatles or Keys.  You be the judge.

3. Singing off-key is bad form -- hello Amy Winehouse!  Also rough when your back up singers out sing you and while doing some fun dance moves.  And what was that odd leg dancing which seemed to throw off her singing?  Looks like she can only do one thing at a time.

4. Herbie Hancock for album of the year.  Really?

5. Many of the most interesting awards were given before the show was broadcast.  That undercuts interest in the awards show a little.  Giving out the awards is what some of us tune in for in the first place.  Well, that and interesting live performances but that depends on having good sound.

6. Presenters should stop caring about how Kanye West is going to respond to something.  He'll get over it.  Well, eventually.  Although, I thought Usher's comment was pretty funny.

7. If you are going to "duet" with the chairman of the board, class it up a little will ya?  And you might want to turn up the gain on Frank just a little (see point number 1 above).

8. Forgo the suit telling us that the RIAA is only doing good.  Come on, stop suing the kids who just want to listen to the music that they love.  Remember the music?

9. Ringo Starr and Dave Stewart -- separated at birth?  Yes, yes I think so.

10. Pacing. Pacing. Pacing.  Keep the show rolling will ya? 

11. WTF?  Fergie-John Legend duet was not a duet.  All JL got to do was play the piano???  He has the better voice, he should have sung.  She should have played the piano for him.  What?  She can't play the... Oh!

For those brave Hegemonians who watched the Grammys, what thoughts/impressions/ideas -- good or bad -- do you have about the show?  Or did anyone go out to hear something from a local band as I suggested a few days ago?

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