Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Economic Stimulus

Last night I was digusted, depressed, and demoralized by (respectively) the Republicans, the recession, and the weather, so I decided to do my part to stimulate the economy by dropping some coin at the NY institution known as Ricky's. I picked out some make-up and a few pointlessly expensive shampoos and headed to the counter, which was staffed by an cute young woman who was light-years ahead of me style-wise.

HER: Are you okay?
ME: I'm sick of wearing this blanket. (points to winter coat)
HER: I know.
ME: I'm sick of the snow.
HER: I hate my boots.
ME: It's all going to freeze tonight, too.
(big pause)
ME: Me, too.

And what do you know, today BHO's sort of kicking ass, the weather looks like it's going to get better, and that stupid shampoo has made my hair look terrific. Too bad about the recession, though.

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