Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Hilarious YouTube video to follow

So at least there's a silver lining:

Whoever dumped the body of a prominent national defense consultant into a garbage bin in a bustling college town risked being detected, either by witnesses or surveillance cameras, with some of the containers in well-lit parking lots, near restaurants and stores.


StonyPillow said...

"This is not a guy who would end up in landfill or be murdered," she said."

Higher praise for a Republican one cannot expect.

JDM said...

Soon enuf the tranny hookers.

jimmiraybob said...

Whoever dumped the body ... risked being detected

Whodda thunk?

"This is not a guy who would end up in landfill or be murdered," she said."

With a close examination of the evidence I'd have to disagree. Apparently he was.

Anonymous said...

confused people might seek safety in dumpsters i'd say.

Iko said...

Bizarre story.

Anonymous said...

This appears to be a case where you have to "follow the smoke" (bombs that is) as well making sure the other shoe was with his foot in the dumpster.
Stories like this tend to take on a death of their own.


Anonymous said...

With any homicide you have to ask the right questions to get the right answer.

The question in this case is Will Wheeler be John Boehner's Vince Foster?

The people demand answers.