Tuesday, January 04, 2011

If you look under your seat, you'll see you're not getting anything

It has been tough for me keeping track of all the political developments over the last few days with the premier of the 24-hour Oprah network, but I manage to browse the internet for non-Oprah matters when Gayle King is on.

As mentioned earlier, since we're a democracy and all, the 112th Congress (Truman's "Do Nothing Congress" meet Obama's "Know Nothing Congress") can take the thoughts of the people into consideration...

Sixty-one percent of Americans polled would rather see taxes for the wealthy increased as a first step to tackling the deficit, the poll showed.

The next most popular way -- chosen by 20 percent -- was to cut defense spending.

Four percent would cut the Medicare government health insurance program for the elderly, and 3 percent would cut the Social Security retirement program, the poll showed.

So being a "modern" democracy I guess we'll just be going after Medicare and Social Security.

Wonder how stuff like that can happen?

Now back to 'Oprah Behind the Scenes'.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

Show the contestants what's behind the door they chose. Let's see a bill.

pansypoo said...

america also wants jobs.

Anonymous said...

what ever law of supply and demand allowed for salaries like that?
To be able to "read" the news and appear to be "objective." Must be tough to mouth lies supporting the powers behind the ad dollars.
