Sunday, May 01, 2011


How dare that "gutless coward" Qaddafi surround himself with his own family, forcing the pure and innocent members of NATO to kill his grandchildren.


Raoul Paste said...

This is not going to end well.

Montag said...

Ever since the development of the "smart" bomb, the Air Force has had an irrational belief that it can assassinate people from the air with no collateral damage. They tried it on Qaddafi in 1986 (and killed his adopted daughter), on Noriega in Panama (and blew up roughly half of the poorest sections of Panama City), on Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf war (at least eight times by my count, and killed a bunch of civilians), on bin Laden several times (and killed more civilians), on Hussein again in the Iraqi invasion (and killed a bunch more civilians), and on presumed terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen via drones (and are still killing civilians), and now, full circle, back to Qaddafi again, and still can't do it.

Talk about the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight....

pansypoo said...

i guess his #4 sone was expendable.

MD said...

I ditto Raoul Paste's remark. I have know/no idea who the bad guys are. If what is left over after this shit fart, will be worse or better than the scum that lives in the presidential palace now. If there will be more Lockerbies or less. All I know is this isn't going well nor will it end well. - From Absence of Malice ....
James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: You're a smart man, Mr. Gallagher. I'm pretty smart myself. Don't get too smart.
Michael Colin Gallagher: Everybody in this room is smart, and everybody was just doing their job, and Teresa Perrone is dead. Who do I see about that?
James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: Ain't nobody to see. I wish there was. You're excused, sir.