Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Just wondering

If the Mormon Jesus surrounded by 'Muricans painter who did this...

is going to do a portrait of Osama's arms being held behind his back by Jesus while American Solders shoot bin Laden in the eye?

If not certainly someone should...too bad Bob Ross is dead, he could have whipped one up in about a half hour and even have gotten Reagan in it.

If somebody comes up with something, feel free to send it to me at attaturk2004@yahoo.com

If the Mormon guy or someone else does one, maybe they'll even let Obama be in the corner pointing or something...or just giving the newly deigned "don't fuck with a Kenyan" death stare?


Anonymous said...

Picking his nose would be better.


pansypoo said...

i imagine similar things, but in a different manner are being done at art schools as we speak. i had to do a piece w/ the ayatolla homeni sneezing while a can opener flew over his head. don't ask. i much preffered my collage of the iran-contra scandal.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the mormon artist who originally created this ...masterpiece... had it pulled from the BYU bookstore because they were, get this, "too liberal".